Häufige Fragen
What is Secondtent?
Secondtent is an online-platform of the RÖDER Group from Büdingen-Wolferborn (Germany) for commercialization of used tent units from our own rental stock, but also from fair exhibits and overproduction. You will find more about Secondtent and the RÖDER Group in the menu item "About Secondtent".
Are these products technically fine?
All products are delivered in an unobjectionable technical condition.We as a reputable manufacturer will bring no products in circulation, which present a safety hazard for our customers.
Are these products optically fine ?
We divide between 4 different tent classifications. In classification 4 you will have a like new, sometimes a completely new product, in classification 1 you should not have to great expectations concerning optic and age.
Mind the menu item "Tent classification".
Are there any other accessories?
In general, there are even more possibilities for extension and complementation of your desire product. You can arrange the appropriate internal or external service representatives. Much is possible, therefore, a personal consultation is very important for us. Get in touch with us and receive a custom quote, for example of used and new products in combination.
Are all the products available now?
Part of the Secondtent products is included in the current rental business and therefore seasonal more or less in circulation. Therefore, it may come to delivery times, which we will notify you about. Since we have very large stocks, we can provide most products cleaned and tested within 14 days. So-called quick fixes are possible, please ask us.
How does the product come to me and what does it cost ?
The product is sent to you by transportation company. When you receive the freight forwarding shipping costs shown on the order confirmation.